An extraordinary Housewarming Gift that Will Make you and Your partner‘s Entry to a New Home Memorable.

A coworker was at his wits end trying to find something really special for his wife on their first home.  They were the cutest couple.  He was always getting her little gifts expressing his love.  For years they had saved for a home together.  Now that they were expecting it couldn’t have been better timing to have found their dream home.  It was a charming home.  In fact, he asked me to take a look at it before he showed it to his wife.  He wanted a disinterested opinion.   Boy, did he strike gold.  The layout was open and inviting.  It had a manageable yard with room for kids.  Now he wanted a special house warming gift for her to celebrate their good fortune.  If anyone could find that type of gift he was the one.  After all he had been surprising her for years with gifts of love.

He implored me to assist in this quest.  This was far from my forte.  I am lucky if I can remember to get a birthday card let alone a unique gift to commemorate an event of this magnitude.  The criteria were first home and happy motherhood.  This was one heck of a challenge for the gift giving impaired such as me.    I figured that a toast to the occasion was in order, but she was with child so that probably wasn’t the best timing.  However, when I found Engrave-a-Remembrance I had to tell my buddy about it.  He loved the idea of getting a superior bottle of champagne engraved with his personal message on the bottle and two flutes which he would open when the baby reached one year of age.  Engrave-a-Remembrance saved the day and my refuted my reputation for being gift giving impaired.

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