A Wonderful and Unique Gift to My Sister on Her Wedding

For years my sister went on about how her wedding was going to take place.  Every detail had been mapped out.  Nothing was left to chance.  Talk about a control freak and she wasn’t even engaged.  I loved her, but she was a little kooky.  Finally, she was engaged to a great guy.  The whole family was thrilled for her.  Since she had been planning her wedding for so long none of us thought to even ask her if there was anything we could do.  Surprisingly she too was at a loss as her envisioned wedding no longer applied with her fiance.  She actually had to consider his desires in this union.  Back to the drawing board she went.  Without skipping a beat she organized everything.  It was as if a fairy godmother waved a magic wand.

However, mom and dad were at a complete loss as to what to give my younger sister and her fiancé.  They were so happy for her and wanted something unique, something unexpected and truly memorable.  What had panache and could be enjoyed by all?  I too wanted to contribute to something spectacular which would be remembered by all.  Without hesitation we started brainstorming.  Ideas like personalized his and her pens, a honeymoon in Tahiti, even his and her boogie boards were offered up.  While these were all fun we wanted something more lasting, something which would remind them of the celebratory day of their engagement.
With little effort we found Engrave-a-remembrance.  They had a beautiful selection of fine champagne; which on its own seems predictable, but they had a twist.  They will engrave a selected champagne bottle with a personal message.  This was perfect.  We all went in on two cases with the date of their wedding and the years that had passed.   For example, on their fifth bottle it read the date of the wedding and wished them a happy 5th anniversary.  As well, Engrave-a-remembrance offered engraved champagne flutes which we included for each year.  Commemorate an occasion with a toast.

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